We work collaboratively with clients to assess their needs and goals and develop a path to success. Services include:
Board Development
Fund Development Strategies
Grant Writing
Recent Successes
Promise Zone Designation: Developed an award-winning application designating a part of the City of Sacramento as one of eight “Promise Zones” created by the Obama Administration. The designation helps streamline the process to bring federal dollars into our region when local public/private partnerships apply for federal funds.
Multi-Year Language Access Resources (MYLAR) Project: Produced grant application to expand services to Asian and Pacific Islander domestic violence survivors. The $300,000 grant was awarded by the Office of Violence Against Women, a division of the United States Department of Justice. This innovative project is comprised of a statewide partnership among several multi-disciplinary, culturally competent community experts to develop and implement trainings to providers of domestic violence services. Trainings will be focused on understanding cultural awareness and intersectionality among various marginalized communities and then developing a plan to adequately serve diverse communities.